Data Backup and Recovery

Your data is critical to your success, whether it is held on-premise, in the Cloud, or a hybrid of both. You cannot afford any disruption to your business applications and workstreams. ADAM has the best enterprise solutions that will ensure your data is secure, backed up, safely archived, and has the ability to restore almost instantaneously to minimise any downtime. We will utilise our own Private Cloud and Public Cloud to provide a bespoke backup solution to meet and exceed your expectations.
When it comes to recovering your data, ADAM Continuity’s hybrid cloud backup and recovery service gives you more flexibility and even more assurance. We give you the ability to both rapidly recover your IT systems locally, as well as spin up an environment in a secure cloud.


Fast Recovery

We hold your encrypted data off-site, meaning quicker recovery to our local infrastructure. Vital day-to-day files are stored on-site, while longer-term data is held in the cloud, giving you more options to quickly restore lost or corrupt files.

Reduced Risk

Minimise the risk of loss of productivity, data integrity and confidentiality, and resulting profits, with a fully secure cloud-based back-up service.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Realise significant internal cost savings and efficiencies by redeploying key resources away from internal backup and recovery to other core services.

Be More Secure

Move away from unreliable on-site tape-based technology and back up your critical encrypted data in our secure data centre.

Fully Managed Service

Be supported by our team of experts and our dedicated, UK-based service desk for an end-to-end solution and ultimate peace of mind.

Industry Experts

Over 25 years of experience providing data backup and recovery solutions and a trusted provider to both public and private sector organisations.

What's Available?

Ultimate Flexibility

We can provide hybrid solutions to meet your needs and budgets. From high-availability for your critical data, to value propositions for your longer-term archive data, all of which are fully managed by our expert technicians and service desk.

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

We can provide hybrid solutions to meet your needs and budgets. From high-availability for your critical data, to value propositions for your longer-term archive data, all of which are fully managed by our expert technicians and service desk.

Data Recovery Points

From as frequently as every five minutes to once a day, we have solutions to flexibly meet all requirements, but all are replicated to a secure cloud environment to ensure minimal data loss.

Utilising the Cloud

Wherever your workstreams reside we shall work with you to utilise the best technologies to provide the best data solution. This may be, for example, by diversifying risk between different Public Clouds or using certain ‘cold’ storage to provide the best value solution.


Annual testing of your backup and recovery infrastructure against your business continuity plan to ensure you’re meeting your objectives.

Remote Monitoring

And proactive maintenance providing you the confidence and assurance with the integrity of your data.